Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hi its Red again . I don’t know about you but we say prayers at 8:oo (most nights)
anyhow we just finished that. I am lying on my tummy by the fire place thinking about are old house. I was addicted to the fire place at my old house I would stand there all day if I could get away with it. I would stand there for many reasons, here are some of them:
#1 I felt sick
#2 I was playing out side in the snow and came back inside feeling numb
#3 I just woke up in the morning
#4 I had a tacky outfit and wanted to melt it (kidding)

Yes, those are all the reasons I would go and lean against the fireplace.
Luke made a blog a little while ago it is called….be prepared its kind of weird..ok here it is: the eye of Luke.
There is not much on there yet though.. but you should check it out he is quite a creative guy he’ll type odd but interesting things. Looking at the fire place here I wonder why the flame is blue its almost like some little gnome type guy came around and spilt dye all over it.

I saw a funny commercial for the T.V. show family guy it is confusing if you don’t see it yourself so I won’t get in to details. I feel sorry for myself my mom is being brutal and she won’t let me just type my stuff and post it, these are the crazy woman’s steps for my blogging:

#1 type text
#2 print / edit (mom of course has to check it)
#3 do corrections
#4 show mom/dad corrections
#5 then post it!

Its harsh.
Hi its me Hannah aka Red. Red is my name because I dyed my hair red (not permanently). Anyhow I just got my blog and I am so happy! I used to use my dad's name to post comments and it said my name was thomasw and that is most definitely not my name, nobody knew who I was so I always had to say "this is hannah"..but I don't now because everybody knows I am red the one and only! Here I am sitting on the ground at the coffee table and my feet are freezing! Also to top it off I have pins and needles! And I feel too lazy to get up off my bum and turn on the fireplace...wait not all hopes ar comes Luke...and......he turns on the fire place!!! YEEEHAAA and now he is playing with a balloon and it makes a very annoying squeaky! We're having soup for dinner (me,Luke,mom,papa) and after that brownies! to celebrate how my poem being published in the news paper:

Marginalized hearts
Streets full of carts
barbwire in view
my family lost amid the dew

soldiers in trucks say bye
I let out a huge sigh
I wish I had a good eye
my heart pounds against my skin
looking at shelter wish I could go in

who knows when my end shall come
I smell a stench it makes me feel glum
my death awaits me
I remember the taste of tea

I want that barbwire gone
So I can be left alone
My dad is shot
Now I forget everything I was taught

There you have it. My poem. Luke is actually going outside in the hard core rain! I am shocked as he fights to have no showers! (seriously its wierd!).

Speaking of showers Luke is having a shower tonight (he planned otherwise).
My feet aren't cold anymore! My dad actually is outside cooking!

Hey! Luke just said he could shower outside (that would be a funny sight). It seems my dad is making endless trips inside and outside.

I think its wierd how its only 4:42 and it is all ready dark! I guess I am just used to it being nine-o-clock and being light out. My mom just turned on some echoey music I think its Russian-oh my dad just said it is Latin it is so echoey I can not tell the difference. Speaking of echo my dogs name is Echo. He is a siberian husky and has the nicest blue eyes,there is a old saying that if a husky's eyes are blue they can see the wind cool, eh? I also put on socks so my feet won't get cold again.
what else should I say.Oh I went ice skating yesterday....I went to church friend avery has a blog and it is quite funny it is called FOOLISH GRIN she is 13 and is very bossy and she is proud of it!

What else?

Oh,oh, oh here it is. I hear the shower running, Luke screaming and dad laughing I think this is it. Yup it is hey my mom is being harsh telling me to clean up my mess of a room. Talk to you later- Hannah aka red