Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Hey guys!

I found a great book in the children’s section in the library yesterday called: Santa’s Twin
By: Dean Koontz. (I have never heard of him before) Obviously all of us bloggers don’t believe in Santa, but still it is an awesome book only because it has awesome rhymes in it. When I first opened the book I thought some of these paragraphs would be awesome to put on my blog so here I am now typing it out for you:

Let’s look ahead to the big holiday that’s coming, coming, coming are way I’m sure you know just what day I mean. It’s not Easter Sunday, not Halloween.
It’s not a day to be sad or listless. It’s a day of wonder. It’s Christmas!

Charlotte and Emily love this season. They’re kids, so they have a good reason to dream all year of that special eve because they truly deeply believe a gift-giving man flies the sky with toys and goodies galore. No lie!

So someday soon, they’ll put up a tree. Why only one? Maybe two, maybe three!
Deck it with tinsel and baubles bright. It’ll be an amazing and wonderful sight. String colored lights up on our roof pray none are broken by anything’s hoof.

Oh wait! I just heard terrible news. Santa’s been mugged. Tied up, and gagged
Blindfolded ear-stoppled, and bagged, locked in his cellar under the Pole, down in dismal, deep, dark, dank hole.

Poor Santa well gotta run folks catcha later