Friday, December 16, 2005


I wonder what life is like to other people.
Everyone looks at life differently.
As a gift, torture, magical, happy, sad, fun etc.
I look at it as...well I can't answer that question..yet.
I guess I could say a shampoo sample, but its not quite right.
I got back from dance I'd say ohh...about a while ago.
Look at this simbol: @. Hehe some people at school call it the "shaw sign", I actually
find that quite funny.
Look at the eyes: (.) (.).

Cool eh?
I am going snowboarding tomorow. Another family adventure. *Sigh* I don't enjoy them as much as I did when I was a little kid.
Family is family not friends, family=friends, no they're family. Yet, times can be fun with the rents and Luke.
Snowboarding sounds fun though, my first time. Yike! I am nervous but happy.
Yoga pants. I want a darker pair, I have violet and blue but I am not a big fan of colorful clothes. I hate drawing attention to myself.
Coffee. I am starting to like it. Infact I like it alot it is...good? I don't know how to describe it.
My brother however: Takes a sip *choke* *gulp* "yumm...good..?".
Tree up.
Presents stacked.
Fire burning.
Stockings up.
These are signs that Christmas is among us. *Grin*.


I should probley post on HOLIDAY, but this pic is hilarious!

Haha. The title of this picture is: The Greedy Dog. I love it.
It is so...different. Funny, humorus, well it is interesting. If not funny but, I like it.


A girls so called best friend. Though I would say your best friend is your best friend.

boogie baby

Dancing. It isn't a sissy sport that people show off in. Dance is just as inportant as There are champion ships in dance, there are trophies, parties, awards etc etc. Dance is a big part of are lives we dance at parties, when we are happy, for no reason. We can dance because thats the way we show others that we feel this way or that.

Dance is huge, there are so many awards you can get for doing an lovely job. There are thousands of dance studios in the world. Girls and boys all over earth want to learn different types of dance. I have my Hip-Hop class tonight.

Dance is a sport not a silly little kid fun thing.

Take it seriosly.

Whoosh! Up to 13

People think I look way older. They say I look 12 at the least. My face makes me look like I am 13 or How old are you? Or What grade are you in? These are not insulting questions. For a fact I don't like my age I have been "the age" long enough.
I don't know really when I look at myself at myself I think I don't look older than anyone else I look 13 then I remember I am a few years behind. But all in all, I am *gulp* 10...*sigh*. It is odd how I have friends 2 to 3 years older than me.

*Sigh*. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.