Sunday, January 15, 2006

from smart to stupid and stupid to smart

There are many smart things only stupid people would do. Say a stupid person is perchasing somthing at the store, the clerk asks for half of ten bucks please . Stupid person only has a ten dollar bill, stupid person takes out their ten dollar bill and happily rips it in half. Stupid person gives clerk half the ten dollar bill and smiles like they just did the most intellegent thing ever.
Now that person is just plain stupid, yet it was a smart idea. If I am not getting my point straight here is another example:
Stupid person's mother asks them a favor; "SP I want you mow the lawn today. Just half the grass though, I don't want it to be much too different". Stupid person is feeling quite lazy today. And understands his mother completly who would want all of their grass cut off? Stupid person mows the lawn but only half the yard. Just as she asked. stupid person olny mowed half the property. This person is stupid also. Yet not as stupid. He could have miss understood her. Very well, yet who could be so stupid to think somebody would want their lawn to be uneven?

Smart to stupid.

Stupid to smart.