Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I love rain, when its in the summer I love it, warm air and cool rain pouring down your chest.
One of the most amazing experience I have had was to be able to run through the rain. Thats it, just romp and romp through the water that slides through the air and on to you. I want to dance inn the rain. And I don't care if I get phenomena because its a gift from god to have your dream come true. I just want to dance and run, and bounce and squeal with joy. Fall back and let the water bring you in to its world. Let your wet hair down and lean so far back that your head touches the wet ground, and you feel beautiful. Not because your wearing tons of makeup, not because you are wearing the latest style or the popular girl commented on your looks today. Because your you, because the wet outside of me becomes soft and lets the insides soak out of you.