I wish I could be taller, and I wish I could met god this very day, at this very hour at this very minute, at this very second, I would get his advice on everything. I wish I could have a fancy room with a closet filled with fancy pajamas lol. What would ya’ll wish for?
I was thinking about summer and I think that there is anther reason that summer is better than winter☺ people wake up in the morning and their feet are num and their freezing cold☹! Who here has that problem? RED! RED! Red does☹! And it drives me nuts too, in fact I am in my room right now in bed (hehe) it’s beautiful in here cause in the morning the sun pours through my window it’s a magical sight☺. I have a boring email address and all my friends have interesting ones like angel_half_devil_@hotmail.com☹.
But I like mine cause its what I chose and there’s no going back in life again and changing it I can always get a new account but I don’t feel like that right now☺.
I wish all people could see god I wish there was no hell I wish it was just heaven after all the people who sin are all of us. Red☺