Monday, January 09, 2006

Who said Girly was Bad

Everybody at my school doesn't want to be 'girly' or whatever their idea of girly is anyway.
What their idea of girly is I don't know, but I don't think it is very good anyway. If someone at my school was thought of as a 'girly-girl' they would immediately stand up for herself, many of the girls prove they are not girly in many different ways. They would say I take soccer oh and basketball too! Or they would say I am not! Or some people toss it right back and say well you are too! I remember years ago when Avery, Esme and I used to have li'l fights about that, one of us would bring up the subject when we were playing barbies and Avery would stand up right away knocking over the barbie house I had created and say: "I am a Tom-boy and you guys are Girly-girls!" Then esme would disagree right away and say: "But avery I am a tom-boy too." Then Avery would be like: "No, no your a girly-girl just like Hannah!" "Then i would start getting mad and be like: "How would you know which one I am!?" Avery would say "Because we are best friends! Do you think I would not know?!" then Esme would step in again and say: "Well I don't think I am a girly-girl!" Avery: "YES! you are! I am the only Tom-Boy here right now!"

And it would go on and on. I think its dumb now. Girly is cool, If you are a girl that is:D.
Pink, glitter, fancy, funky, spunky, cute. Girly. A skirt is so called girly.

Who cares?