Friday, March 17, 2006

sane and organization

Well, here we are at..uh, whatever this campsite is called. I've been away since tuesday. The trip started as usual; on the road. And lead to the camping ground, Tofino, Long Beach. We left this morning sometime. The trip to this campsite which I will now decide to call 'Here', so the trip to Here was 3 hours but felt like 15 minutes, I guess thats the magic of a good book. We got here about a half an hour ago now. When we first got here I took a stroll up to the lodge and found about the lamest swing set to ever see the living day light. Luke liked it. And I found a computer in the lodge. The is more homey than I thought. When I first entered the Lodge I thought it was a cold hearted building. its really not. Theres a Tv and free coffee and a fire place and board games. And hehe the computer. Well I ought to go now.
