Sunday, December 04, 2005

No Hannah here.

Hannah will be away from the computer for one week.

sprucies in the kitchen

Spruceies in the kitchen is such a great idea! I smell spicey food when I am looking at the blog.
Which is great because I love the smell of spicey food, that makes think the blog is magical *grin*.
I am wearing pink PJ's, and a hoddie and my bangs are wacko because yours truly just woke up.
I am going to church today but we're like always late.

The Saint Nickolas Day thing went a-o-k but yet not many chums showed up.
I am stiff today*no grin* I went to the hills (Luke wanted to go after school with a sled) I did not want to go to tell the truth I wanted to go home and drin a nice cup of hot choclate. I decided to try this really steep hill and I went in to the thorn bushes and boomed my neck against this big this branch it killed but I am ok though it felt like I couldnt talk at first it was scary but nothing else really happened no blood no tears but yes pain.

yours the stiff red head