Tuesday, January 31, 2006

When you have nothing to do sip peach juice

Wise advice?
I think so. In fact I am sipping peach juice right now. Not much of any information, but I do think it is very powerful; sipping peach juice, hmm. Brings beautiful thoughts :) mmm. I like having a spinning head. When I have nothing to do I like to let my mind spin and spin while I am consuming peach juice. Spinning. I have many thoughts. I think its amazing how everyone in this world has worries and thoughts and loved ones of their own. I like that alot. More than I like peach juice. The fruity colorful flavorful liquid bounces down my throat. Sort of feels like I am throwing myself in to an ocean. Apples are fun too. They are a fun fruit. I have so many reasons why, that I don't have any reasons at all. When I was little and Mom and I would go to chapters I would always like to touch the pink, smooth, heavy books. I still like the idea of them. That reminds me of peachs too. I have always thought of peachs to be spunky and fresh, fluffy at times. Then again they are a graceful fruit; which sounds very odd. A graceful fruit. hmm. Beautiful, spunky... Peaches. Fruit.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

don't leave me...

She might leave me. I don't want her to.
It's Avery's birthday today. I am so happy for her. But it makes me sad.
I can't believe it. 13. No. It feels for me the trees are growing and i'm just the pond staying there. bubbling away.
Shr's growing up. I'm not. It feels so much like that some times. And it makes me cry. I feel awful when I do. Cause its so happy that she is growing up. I'd miss her by my side if she took off so far. It went from this:

4-6: We were always together. We would stay up till 2 when we were at each others house's. The New Years party that year we had a contest; whoever statyed up the latest won. We would keep ourselfs awake till talking about barbies *grin*. Ave won. =D

7-9= She would always have funny stories to tell. She would always keep me laughing and still does. She was almost perfect. No one is perfect. But it seemed like it. She is beautiful, Smart, Funny.

10-12= Always was there for me. I knew I could tell her anything. She was huggable and laughable. Still is. We talked and talked. We would goof off. We went through mess ups. And parties. Hard things, sad things, happy things.

I don't want to loose her.

To be a princess

When I was... Well every girl goes through the stage where she wants to be a princess more than anything else. Beautiful, Charming, and the long dresses. I used to always want to wear a dress and fancy shoes. Yep that was me. Not just me every little girl I know goes through that stage. Just like everyone goes through the cootie stage ;). You wanted to dance wear skirts and twirl and swirl. Have long cozy hair. And be a princess. Just be a princess. Twinkley eyed and bouncy personallity she is already her own princess inside she just can't see it. Then you grow a bit older and are not as graceful anymore. You like to wear dresses still but they get in the way with rolling in the mud. So you ditch the gowns and the princess that you were dreaming of and move on to pants, pink sweats and children's yoga pants. Then sweats aren't cool anymore when you hit middle school and you wear jeans and slacks and all the other pants you can think of, (still yoga and sweats do stick to the soul;). Yes it changes and the princess changes. But as soon as you choose your princess she'll always be there for you and look out for you, and accept you in every way.

No matter what you wear.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I love gym.
And I love my big, huge gym class, so many people. Every class at gym we have to start at different bases and then we one of the instructors shouts out a counts down while we prepare are last preparations. And then we shoot out among the gym pounding the floor with our runners and bluring the room with our shorts. Each time we get to our starting point we grab a stick. That stands for a lap around the huge gym. When time is up you count out you sticks and you find out how many laps you ran. Today I did 15 laps. I hope to do more next time, thats not nearly enough for me, I know next time I can do more. I started out with 10 then I moved up to 11 and now I am 15! Yay! I was very proud but some people didn't believe me. But I know I did it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Why is that color so unlikeable?
I love that color in fact its my favorite color to wear. I'm no goth. But I do like darker colors, only because I hate drawing attention to myself. Black for a fact is a very nice color, there are many nice things that are blacl let me name a few;
The beautiful midnight sky, cozy cotton and wool sweaters, black kittens, black slacks, coffee without cream, dogs wet noses.And much much more! But black can be a scary color too, well, a unlikeable color anyway. But I don't even want to name things that are black unlikeable things cause most of those things are signs for evil. Lots of goths used to go to my school but all of them graduated. Which is odd it was like a whole grade of goths. I can't think of why people would want black lipstick but thats what they want, thats what they do.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

9 days

Gosh only 9 more days till Avery Jordan's Birthday. She was born on the 29th of Janurary. I was born on the 29th also but in a different month. I believe Jonah is celebrating his birthday tonight as I type. Avery said she may not be having a party once again since her grades are not quite improved yet. She is disapointed about that, as she had to cancel her party last year. Well I just want to let everyone know, Ave's birthday is coming up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Just be..

Just be who you think you are and maybe, just maybe, you might be excepted..

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Let the sun beat down on to your mind and refelect a beam of gold on your chest.
Warm rain falls on to your bare arms and legs as you walk up the hill that seemed so heavy in winter. You let yourself fall on to the water as you stand on the dock let your body sink through the air till you soak in to the ocean and feel light and glowy. Sitting on the sand which seems beautifuly white and dull. Let yourself suck in to the sand and melt in to it by the sun. Let drops of sun tip and tap your face as you put on your cap. Feel the summer air woosh past you as you climb out of the pool and feel warm whirls of water as you jump back in, opening your eyes for a dash and see bubbles bubbling around you. open the front door and find the sun greeting yo to another summer day you walk up past the driveway and start with a slow to fast pace and then take off running down your street air running with you through your tee and past you and then another wall of fresh air fallows. Wear sneakers and sandals, and relax on the cloudy days and drink soft drinks. Walk through your block in shorts and feel wind sleep and sneak in to you. Just feel, Summer.


Monday, January 16, 2006

no funky monkey for me:(

Not that I didn't get in I was supposed to try out today.
This morning I hadn't been feeling well, nor the day before today. Well math class came and it got much worse; my head ached and ached. Then my stomach flipped, the teacher excused me from class as I walked down the classroom everything seemed to spin and then everything went weird my friends sounded like elephants and I felt like I was gonna hurl so I walked as fast as I could to the bathroom it came up but I had to gulp it back down. I turned in to the office and asked for the phone I dialed my number as fast as possible feeling desperate, it was busy! I dialed my Mom's cell no answer! I dialed my grandparent's number no answer! I was gonna to die I thought; I'm going to die. Than I relaxed I leaned back on to the couch. I wanted to fall asleep. THan it csmp to me; I'm not going to try out. I can't be in the talent show...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

from smart to stupid and stupid to smart

There are many smart things only stupid people would do. Say a stupid person is perchasing somthing at the store, the clerk asks for half of ten bucks please . Stupid person only has a ten dollar bill, stupid person takes out their ten dollar bill and happily rips it in half. Stupid person gives clerk half the ten dollar bill and smiles like they just did the most intellegent thing ever.
Now that person is just plain stupid, yet it was a smart idea. If I am not getting my point straight here is another example:
Stupid person's mother asks them a favor; "SP I want you mow the lawn today. Just half the grass though, I don't want it to be much too different". Stupid person is feeling quite lazy today. And understands his mother completly who would want all of their grass cut off? Stupid person mows the lawn but only half the yard. Just as she asked. stupid person olny mowed half the property. This person is stupid also. Yet not as stupid. He could have miss understood her. Very well, yet who could be so stupid to think somebody would want their lawn to be uneven?

Smart to stupid.

Stupid to smart.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Funky Monkey

The funky Monkey is coming up.

The Funky Monkey is a talent show that is at our school twice a year. I have been trying out since I was in grade 1.
I have always loved the funky monkey just because it gives everyone a chance to really show what they are in to. I was in the Funky Monkey in grade one and I danced to a song from Shrek with a group of friends and in grade 2 when me and the same group of buds tried out we were well awful but we got another chance and we were great! once again we made it in, we danced to soak up the sun by Sharol Crow. It was tons of fun, as the year before we had a theme; surfing. We made surf boards which most of my friends still have them after all these years. And we had jump ropes and sun screen, bathing suits on. Grade three I did not make it in. I forget what i tried to do though. In grade 4 I did not get in, I tried doing a dance routine with a frined and we weren't practiced up enough. Plus they thought the music was to long, or somthing of that sort long time ago and I dont quite remember. I think in grade 3 I tried making a fun dance full of action with a friend named Jada. But we forgot our music and we didn't move around alot.

Well I hope to make it in this year. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it went:D.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I love rain, when its in the summer I love it, warm air and cool rain pouring down your chest.
One of the most amazing experience I have had was to be able to run through the rain. Thats it, just romp and romp through the water that slides through the air and on to you. I want to dance inn the rain. And I don't care if I get phenomena because its a gift from god to have your dream come true. I just want to dance and run, and bounce and squeal with joy. Fall back and let the water bring you in to its world. Let your wet hair down and lean so far back that your head touches the wet ground, and you feel beautiful. Not because your wearing tons of makeup, not because you are wearing the latest style or the popular girl commented on your looks today. Because your you, because the wet outside of me becomes soft and lets the insides soak out of you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wake up on a saturday night

When I wake up I feel different depending on where I am, if I am at camp I feel: Good more time to have a blast. Oh and not to mention 5 more minutes? If I am at home I feel: Nope this is a dream, I am not awake yet...back to sleep....*yawn*. If I am at a friends slumper party: Well lets just say nobody lets me sleep in *grr*. I hate waking up, I mean I guess I am sometimes happy, I don't want to sleep forever. I just want time to not worry just time to lie down, a break from the world. I am not like I am when I am writing it seems as though that person I am when I am sleeping comes alive and jumps out and shows that i am different in thw world. That may not make any sense to anyone but me... I hate waking up in the middle of the night now that kills. I can never get back to sleep. Well sometimes, happens alot when i am at a place besides home in the summer. Camp happened once or twice and then when I spent part of the summer at my grandparents I woke up in the night about three times I was there.
Sleeping is easy for me. i just have to choose the time to do it:)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Who said Girly was Bad

Everybody at my school doesn't want to be 'girly' or whatever their idea of girly is anyway.
What their idea of girly is I don't know, but I don't think it is very good anyway. If someone at my school was thought of as a 'girly-girl' they would immediately stand up for herself, many of the girls prove they are not girly in many different ways. They would say I take soccer oh and basketball too! Or they would say I am not! Or some people toss it right back and say well you are too! I remember years ago when Avery, Esme and I used to have li'l fights about that, one of us would bring up the subject when we were playing barbies and Avery would stand up right away knocking over the barbie house I had created and say: "I am a Tom-boy and you guys are Girly-girls!" Then esme would disagree right away and say: "But avery I am a tom-boy too." Then Avery would be like: "No, no your a girly-girl just like Hannah!" "Then i would start getting mad and be like: "How would you know which one I am!?" Avery would say "Because we are best friends! Do you think I would not know?!" then Esme would step in again and say: "Well I don't think I am a girly-girl!" Avery: "YES! you are! I am the only Tom-Boy here right now!"

And it would go on and on. I think its dumb now. Girly is cool, If you are a girl that is:D.
Pink, glitter, fancy, funky, spunky, cute. Girly. A skirt is so called girly.

Who cares?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bring it on...

Have you ever been skipping through the radio and then you stop and there you have the perfect song, and from that moment on your always begging for the radio station to turn in on. Or the complete difference? Your skipping through the radio in your car and then you stop and you think What is this? Music? Ugh! Well both of them has happened to me:D
I think that it is part of going insane, some people think this is just a riot and you think DRY when you hear it. Insane I tell you.
I love being insane, insane. Hmmm good ol' insane. Most people think blue is cold and red stands for hot, I disagree labels ugh! ugh! ugh!! Who wants to label things. We are so labeled who ever thought of this!? I think you should label yourself, if you want to be labeled that is:D I hate being labeled well we are all labeled its life. *Sigh* Label Life, I don't want to be labled but I am. Labeled with an awful age labeled with a grade labeled with..oh so many things. Life just isn't worth it:D

Enjoy life, don't waste it on labels or "the friend/popular game".


Thursday, January 05, 2006


Some one I know deep inside loves to swing.

She went up to the swing even though she knew her break would be over in a few minutes and mounted the swing and she pushed her chuck taylors in to the ground and threw her head back feeling the breeze flow through every hair on her skull. She felt god was with her. She knew god was with her. Every thing went silent except for her and the swing which sang: creak creak creak. And her sneakers pushing in to the ground. She reached back and ruffled her bun making all her hair fall out. She swung back and forth. She could feel all the air and magic in the world with her. She was a star of many stars but glowing through the glass. She let go of the swing and felt air push her back and forth. She stopped pushing against the ground and stopped to a tap. For those seconds it was as though she felt as though she was relaxed and floating.
Then she grunged her feet in to the ground again and flowed a few secounds again, glowing and flowing.
She tapped the ground once more before jump off the swing and landing...

That some one is me:).


No perfect. No! No! No!
No one is perfect when will man kind get to know that!?
I just can't believe some people think and show that they are "perfect" no one is perfect.
No man is perfect I mean. God I think is perfect. Man is not perfect.

I hope some one realize this before the earth is dust.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I think that bubbles are so cool:D
I mean they are ful of shine and color, and they make the coolest pop sound!
You can get them in flavor so they are edible. You can get them so they can't be popped.
I want a bubble machine. You could have it spin and spin and make bubbles. Fill your room with bubbles!
Bubbles are cool.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Song lyrics
The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun

Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none

When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And grin,
And say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may

I love ya

You're always
A day away

When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin,
and grin,
and say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on 'til
Come what may

I love ya

You're always
A day away

I love ya

You're always
A day away

-FROM: Annie

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Milk and a brownie

Milk and a brownie fit together just as well as a baby and a rattle do. A girl couldn't sleep, she got out of bed in her pajamas and socks and walked across the cold wood floor. She meets the ktchen in a instant and opens the fridge feeling the cold smooth breeze on her face. She looks around, nothing much. And takes a brownie out of the tin. She brings it slowly up to her lip and her front teeth bite in to the square of fudge. She craves another desire, milk. She opens the fridge again and takes out the milk, humming a tune she walks on her socked covered feet to the counter and takes a clear glass off the shelf. She pours the thick white drink in to the glass watching as it falls like a waterfall. She takes it satisfied and brings the brownie once again up to her lip to feed. She then walks to her room and sits down and drinks her milk, just a sip, but a big sip. Satisfied with the taste she eats the rest of her brownie in greed and drinkd her milk down to the bottom. With milk on her face and fudge free she walks on her socked covered feet once again to her computer. And writes a post about it.

Mom I know your not happy with me for eating in my bedroom but, no mess:)