Monday, March 26, 2007

Look At Him Go=D

Today I went back to school after the spring break. :(
Im bummed its over, and everything will be back to normal within the next week.
My real birthday is 29th, and Im excited about that. And, my life has been going great lately.. well actually there has been a few big downs lately, but either than those everythings awesome. I got my new lulu lemon hoodie. =) Green. Bright, Deep, Spring green. My friend, Jill got back from the flu today. She got me a birthday present a pretty shirt and some cute earrings. :D Im happy. I like them. I also really want some new shirts. I'm going shopping after dinner today, maybe.
My birthday has never really excited me as much as this.. except for maybe when I was really little.
Sleeping over at my friend's house friday. I'll let you know when something else comes to mind.