Thursday, June 22, 2006


Note to self: gotta post more.

Well, I think we are going to have chicken for dinner tonight. Seeing that it is sitting out on the table in front of me, I thought that. I think I should be more energectic, exercise more and drink more water. But now that I'm taking this medicine thing with every sip I drink. I barely drink water so I cant taste it. I think I'm orange-juice-aholic. I've drank wayy to much of it.

Oh! heres my kindergarten picture. Six people in that picture go to the LFAS now.
I think I'm going to major in Dance. And art will be my second art. Because I'm not musical in anyway, really. And I like drama but I dont really embrace it much. I'dlike to major in PE. I cant though:(

Track n field is fun! I want to back to it next year. I'm fixing on joining the Langley Mustangs so I can train and compete more. I really like running. In our school cafeteria there bringing in a soy milk vending machine and getting rid of pop! Soys like worse for than pop! Dumbos. And instead of chips and chocolate bars their going to have trail mix and nuts, dried fruit, stuff like that. That doesnt mind me as much. I dont mind trail mix. I dont like dried fruit. I do like nuts. But why would they bring nuts in, when so many students are alergic to them. My classroom is nut free.