Saturday, February 25, 2006

My Sanity

Today, started out like your typical Saturday. I woke up at 11 and turned on the radio. And after forcing myself to get out of bed, at last; I spat my hair out of my face and let the day soak in, let my body sink in to the mattress one more time I got up. I went over and put my house coat on wraping the belt in a tight knot I left my room went in to the kitchen to snag a peice of cake and milk. Good breakfast. Got eggs in it ;). After that I left my plate up by the sink and left the kitchen. I got myself ready for the day; Shower, running a comb through hair, wash face etc. Next I went to the sunroom and turned on the fire place. I then watched a movie with Luke and went on the computer. Then Mom came home and we went to a dance show at my school and I met up with some friends and I sat with them. And we laughed and had a great time. Then I we walked home and here I am sitting her typing...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


A short post full of wisdom is better than a post long and full of gray.
And seeing your letters apear on the page instead of constantly trying and seeing nothing form. Frustration.
And looking in to the mirror and seeing that your hair hardly tangled at all durning the night is better than waking up and running your hand through your hair and feeling your hand stop in an instant and a hard pull on your hair.
And clicking the mouse on your computer and having it go right to the website you wanted is better than waiting for what seems like hours for it to go to the site.
And being covered in friends is better than be shuved off in to the sidelines wishing a bus would come and pick you up.
And jumping in to a lake and taking your sweet time to come up is better than dropping and feeling suck to the bottom.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Whats does one do??

What does one do when they feel as though 2 evil walls are caveing in upon them. What does one do when their heart feels its going to gush out in pain. What does one do when tears are running down their face and you can't think clearly, nor see.
Whats does one do when their eyes hurt so much from been burnt with water. What does one do when their face is sticky and stained with tears.

There is no real answer to this, except; Believe.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

take a deep breath

There is always someone there for us. Even if they are gone. And you can't see them. There is always someone there for us. Always. God may be in heaven, the kingdom above. But he is always there for us. You can't know without trying. You always have someone by your side, even if they're not by your side. Sort of like if you want a thought but then you may not want to want to have that thought. That person that is always by your side is Christ. He is our deep breath. When we breath in a deep breath we should be breathing knowledge and relaxation, calmness and beauty. Grace will always be with us, by our side.
When we breath we breath in bits of him. He is inside us. Healing and forgiving us. He is the one who makes the sun pour in to your room. And the one who makes the heavenly rain fall.
The one who is always there for us, even if you can't see it.
Take a breath right now and try.

He is.

Friday, February 10, 2006

a bubble

Pink, round, cute, puffed. Floating in it own pretty way till it deflates.

B Bath:

Shinny, has its own glass of color. Everyone of those shimmys has its own shin and shim.


Jumpy. Very strong. Has a bold color and seems to stretch as far as life can take it.

sauce when is boils:

Glumpy, mashy, steaming. A bubble of taste. floats around ready to be consumed


hmm hmm! Yummyness before your eyes! glosty smashing popping right there. Makes you feel eager.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Sometimes, sometimes things just happen slowly. And sometimes things happen fast as the beat of my heart thumps in your ear. As you pound hard on the ground with your feet as you run in a race time passes. If you are walking home and then you decide to go another way your life changed just then; if you went another way you could have had a whole different experience. Your life could have been different in that time. Yes, time is a awkward thing, we know that its movin and groovin and we can't keep up with it. It's too good a dancer to compete with. The air rings above us as time flys...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


As it glugs...

As the sun dropped down on Madi and I as we walked outside. During our break for lunch. Outside. Madi and I. Sun glugging down. Mooing upon us. I looked over at Madi and her face was obviously made of pure gold drops. The wind brushed past us cointaining twinkles of shine. The drops of gold on the caked dirt on the ground reminded me of mustard on burnt toast. THe sun glowed on us and kept us warm under its golden and soft blanket.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

You can't give up...

You can't give up no matter how hard the world is crushing you between the rocks in the earth. Or how much the devil is knocking you down. Or how many times you want to kill. Or when you have such a dry throat you are suprised you are still alive and then you think God is saving me! God is watching over me. He always shall.. He always will.. He always is..
And you can't take it for granted even when you feel plum delightful and you are sitting by the fire reading the best book ever.
Or if you were in bed and sinking in to your matress and having the good reminder of: I don't have to get up till 3 if I want surounding you. You must keep your head straight and watch what is before you. But we know god it up there too...


Monday, February 06, 2006

For My Father

4 jobs:

1. A Student Of THe Langley Fine Arts School. Been one since Gr.1.

2. Picking up the dogs poo ;). Not pleasant.

3.Being good to the people I love. Which, pray for me; I am not the best at always.


4 movies I could watch over and over...

1. The Lord Of The Rings 1, 2, 3..
2. Charade
3. Napolean Dynimate
4. The Perfect Man

4 places i've lived:

1. Walnut Grove: Town House. Many awful dreams about dying there. Odd.
2. Walnut Grove: House House. Yes, The house house. MAny kids were there. Many. Yet, they just didn't except me.
3. I would have to say No Comment.
4. Fort Langley: Gorgeous. As my Dad said; Groovey.

4 albums:

1. Fiest (Sarah Harmer)
2. Sarah Harmer (You were here)
3. The Beatles
4. Nelly Fortardo
+ Many more...

4 fiction writers:

1. Judy Blume (sticks with the soul. All of her books)
2. C.S Lewis (Have to agree with Dad on this one:).)
3. Beverly Clearly (I quite enjoyed some of her books)
4. All of the traveling pants books!

4 poets:

I have read lots of poetry. But I can not name any of the poets I have read.

4 Playwriters:

Again Can't recall...

4 non-fiction writers:


The National Geographic Magazines. Maybe not a writer, yet there are many great stories in those that are non-fiction... Right?

Diary Of Ann Frank

The Dictionary

The Bible

4 heroes:

1. Jesus Christ
2. A Friend
3. Thought
4. Frodo and Sam

4 vacations:

1. Disney World 2004.

2.Echo Lake ( Wonder if The Dog was NAmed after it..)

3.Chaunagen LAke.

4. St. Arseny's Summer Camp

4 foods:

1. Meat Loaf

2. Speg ;)

3. Sausages From the Fort Langley Bakery

4. Chinese Food

4 places i'd rather be:

1. In Bed
2. Running
3. Alone
4. hanging out with friends

4 sites:

3. ;) ;)

4 bloggers to whom i'm passing this burden:

1. Ave
2. Mag
3. Gabe
4. Myn