Saturday, February 11, 2006

take a deep breath

There is always someone there for us. Even if they are gone. And you can't see them. There is always someone there for us. Always. God may be in heaven, the kingdom above. But he is always there for us. You can't know without trying. You always have someone by your side, even if they're not by your side. Sort of like if you want a thought but then you may not want to want to have that thought. That person that is always by your side is Christ. He is our deep breath. When we breath in a deep breath we should be breathing knowledge and relaxation, calmness and beauty. Grace will always be with us, by our side.
When we breath we breath in bits of him. He is inside us. Healing and forgiving us. He is the one who makes the sun pour in to your room. And the one who makes the heavenly rain fall.
The one who is always there for us, even if you can't see it.
Take a breath right now and try.

He is.


thomasw said...

indeed, "He is." You are fortunate to sense such a connection with christ, hannah:)

Magdalen said...

Hello my beautiful young woman. I love you so much, have I told you that? I love your thoughts, and your heart. I missed you today, I'm sorry I didn't get to see you.
Hugs. I love you.

Mr. P said...

a good creative mind is spilled forth on these pages. don;t stop it up, keep it flowing.

RW said...

You constantly amaze me.
love ya,

Gabe said...

Um, thanks rufus. "He is our deep breath".

Mira-cle said...

You make my cry with your inspired words. What a gift you have, to see truth so clearly, and to convey it so.

I love you, please never stop writing!

Mira-cle said...

Here is a quote I just read in "Theology of Wonder" by Bishop Seraphim Sigrist:

"Those who pray see that the entire Universe is the breathing of God, and they breathe their prayer into that breath."

matthew christopher davidson said...

When I was at Jesus prayer group last week, I lay on the floor and timed my breathing to the Jesus prayer.

This entry made me smile. Thank you for it. May nobody ever look down upon you because you are young. You are setting an example for us all.

matthew christopher davidson said...

Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to link this post on my blog.

chris said...

Today - there was no energy left for anything else. What wonderful advice: Just breathe... be still, know He is God and He is here.


Jenny said...

Hannah! Beautiful.

Keep up the excellent theology.

Your Godmum ;-)