Friday, June 02, 2006

Dance Recitals: THIS WEEKEND!!!

This weekend,
Theres dance recitals. I had a few people say they wanted to go. SO I was just giving a shout out to all those that want to come. Tickets can be bought at the studio. Call me to get the address for them. Its Sunday and Saturday, come either day. (if you're going to come) Anyway, the title of our dance is Pump It. Its the title of the first song. The coustumes our either yellow or green shirts with black pants. I'll be wearing the richest coloured green top so I stand out... a bit. Well anywhoo call me if ya want to come. The show is at my school. So ya get to see a bit of a even bigger part of my life too.

1 comment:

thomasw said...

will you go back to ballet or irish dancing? ---you had such a grand smile on your face when danced on Saturday! Even though I didn't like the music, I loved watching you dance, Hannah. Love, Papa.